The best solution to a problem is TRUTH.

A search for the Truth is where we start any training.

When we begin a session, I first ask people to tell me about themselves and their situation—

“How can I help you learn X today? What do you want to achieve? What have you tried?”

I ask, and then I listen.

Almost always I encounter a false belief or faulty understanding about the nature of the problem, sometimes a limiting belief in the person, that is leading to confusion.

Once we address one error in belief, then learning starts to seep in as wrong ideas unravel themselves. 

The moment when worng ideas unravel and a person gets the “Aha!” look in their eye, and an exciting tone in their voice—

That’s when I know we made a breakthrough.

That’s what I love about coaching and training. 

My hope and my goal is that you won’t need my help again for the same problem. We’ve revealed the error—the block to understanding. Now your own journey of learning and experience can move forward.

The funny thing about teaching technology such as Photography (for example), is that I end up teaching basic concepts that people have simply overlooked, didn’t consider, or misunderstood. The change in thinking impacts other areas in their life as well.

Truth is simply powerful — truth about light, love, confidence, strength, bravery, relationships, hope, faith, God.

This is the purpose behind 1Train1 coaching, and the weekly Monday Mentor Calls.

Don’t stay stuck!

How can I help you learn and grow today?

Creative Mindset Quote: "A big enough lie, told often enough, is seen as the truth"

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